Abdl porn gay dad

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teenbaby little space cute gay little boy padded adult diaper diaperboy diapered nappies nappy abdlboy ab dl adult nappy abdl hypno hypnotic it's humiliating this is humiliating bedwetter Daddy made his bf go to sleep listing to it saying it was only relaxing music to help him sleep which it was for the first 10 mins but after that it’s was wetting hypnosis and in a few weeks daddy only had to say “Good boy” and his little boy would start wetting himself helplessly no matter where or who he was with. It was always daddy’s plan to regress the boy I mean just look at him helpless and pathetic the boy needed a daddy he needed to be treated like a baby even if he didn t know it yet and this is where the hypnosis comes in. His daddy had seen simlar things done to sissy boys and pet boys so he decide to try it out on his bf. His daddy had been using a hypno file that enforced the idea that good boys wet there nappies. Hope you enjoy Good Boys Are Wet For Daddy. Hypno has always turned me on so here is my first go at making some kind of hypno like content.

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